Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Reese Project "Evening in Vermont"

Another tune filmed at the same location (Mo' Jazz in Wilmington, VT) as "Memphis Underground," this tune by Tom Reese is a blues with a catchy melody. Musicians: Tom Reese, alto & soprano flutes; Laurie Haines Reese, cello; Bobby Brewer, guitar; Aaron Walker, drums; guest: Vinnie Dorso, percussion.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

This Just In!!

Welcome to The Reese Project's blog. This jazz quartet from south-central PA has a fresh sound, with flute, cello, guitar & drums & strong original compositions. Learn more about TRP at

Look for our Podcasts, beginning early the week of July 9th. We'll tell you more about that next week!

We are recording a new CD, to be released October 2nd, 2007. It will feature brand-new original compositions by award-winning composers Tom Reese, Bobby Brewer & Aaron Walker.

The tunes will showcase a funkier, more driving sound. The whole sound of this CD will be fresh, too, utilizing different recording techniques & locations than our six previous CD's.

Thanks for joining us!

Laurie Reese, Cellist
The Reese Project