Saturday, December 22, 2012

... so the World did not end ... now what??

I have friends & family that waited to buy Christmas gifts just in case the Mayan Calendar ending coincided with the actual end of the world as we know it... do you know people like that? I wonder what they will do now

We have made lots of plans for the New Year -- now the days will be getting longer again, it's time to start bringing forth new ideas & projects!  

First is our new CD -- "Comin' Home Baby" inspired by music of the Herbie Mann.  Created by TRP (The Reese Project), which is Tom Reese (flute, alto flute, pennywhistle), Kirk Reese (piano & keyboards), Laurie Haines Reese (cello & electric cello) & Glenn Ferracone (drums & percussion).  Whew!  It's a kicker!  The music covers a wide range of  styles from hip hop to blues to a ballad to a soulful hymn.  We can't wait for you to start hearing it -- but it's too soon!  We just recorded this week, now we have to mix (in January), then get the copies, etc.  Whew!  A new CD is indeed a great long-term project!  

This will be our first release on VectorDics Records -- they have been so helpful already!  It feels like home because so many of our friends & fellow artists are with this label.  

We will also be creating lots of new silent film scores this year.  The list is growing & growing, thanks to our friends at LCTV Channel 66 who faithfully air them on Comcast Cable TV!  And thanks to our live performance locations, which is growing also.  The Goggleworks continues to be our mainstay, with performances on the 2nd Sunday of each month.  We will continue to play at the Allen Theater, Laserdome, Bube's Brewery, Ned Smith Center, The Village at Sprenkle Drive -- plus the Suffolk Theater in NYC 3/28/13 with special guest Kirk Reese (piano). Dates are on our website calendar:  New locations include the Church of the Apostles & the newly re-opened Zoetropolis.  

 We hope you have a great year!  We hope to see you out at a show soon, too, so we can say Happy New Year in person!  

Love & laughter, 
Laurie Reese, Cellist 

Friday, November 9, 2012

It's time for the Season Through the Ages!

Hi everybody!

This post is about getting ready for the Yule season.  Christmas, Kwanzaa, Yule, Hannukah, whatever you are celebrating, get the season started off right by coming to our "Season Through the Ages" concerts! 

A concert of music from "Coventry Carol" to "A Charlie Brown Christmas!" 

This year you have your choice of 4 locations:

Nov 24, 7:30 pm  Thorn Hill Wine Store, Lancaster, PA 
Nov 30, 7:30 pm  Laserdome, Manheim, PA 
Dec 13, 7:30 pm  Allen Theater, Annville, PA   

$15 tickets, $25 couples, $5 children 12+ (under 12 free)
Tickets can be purchased at the door.  
Advance Tickets: click name of event above for link to purchase tickets.

The Susquehanna Trio (flute/pennywhistle, violin/piano & cello), will be performing music of Christmas & the holidays from the 1600's to the present at the Stahr Center in Lancaster PA.  The event will chronicle events  relative to the history of Lancaster, for example, "Sheep May Safely Graze" by JS Bach was being composed at the same time that the first road in the country was paved, Route 30.  During this time, Lancaster was known as Hickory Town.  From the earliest examples of Christmas & holiday music, such as “What Child is This” & the “Coventry Carol,” Susquehanna takes you on a 90 minute journey through the Christmas Season.  From Classical to Folk, Pop & Jazz, this event will be treat for the entire family!  Musicians:  Tom Reese (flutes & pennywhistle), Tish Haines Brown (violin) & Laurie Haines Reese (cello).  

 We hope to see you there!  Please check our website at for more events (befire, during & after Christmas!!

Have a wonderful & happy Holiday Season!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Monday Manhattans at the Black Gryphon in Elizabethtown, PA!

Please make your reservations now!  717-367-1859

Monday Manhattans at the Black Gryphon in Elizabethtown, PA! 

Susquehanna Trio Tom Reese (flutes), Laurie Haines Reese (cello) Tish Haines Brown (piano, violin) 

 Join the Susquehanna Trio in a program of excerpts from the Claude Bolling Suites for Cello & Flute with Jazz Piano, as well as favorites from the Beatles, interspersed with classical & folk music. The Bolling will include Baroque & Blue, Irlandaise & Veloce from the Flute Suite, and Baroque in Rhythm, Romantique & Cello Fan from the Cello Suite. Beatles tunes will include Eleanor Rigby, All Across the Universe, Norwegian Wood, Yesterday & Michelle. Traditional folk tunes & music from JS Bach includes Planxty Fanny Po'er and the beautiful Bach Arioso, plus more! 

Advance tickets for dinner & the show are $10 (call 717-367-1859 now for reservations) and $15 at the door. Don't miss this exciting one-time only opportunity. Susquehanna performs elegant chamber music, with Tom Reese (flutes), Tish Haines Brown (violin & piano), and Laurie Haines Reese (cello). 

See photos & listen to sound bites on our website at

Come for dinner & the music! Advance tickets $10, at the door $15. Please make your reservations now!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 2012

Wow!   June 2012 is here already.    Probably half over before you can blink...

It's been a busy season for us. We are still playing at the Watering Trough every Wednesday night, so if you haven't had a chance yet to come out for dinner & the music -- come on down! Music is 6 to 9, and if you're in the mood, karaoke starts at 9 pm in the bar next door to the restaurant where we play! We are having guests this week & next. Tonight is Mark, singer/songwriter. Next week is Chaz DePaolo, blues guitar with his trio. A very special event indeed! June 20th will be Tom & I, as MuZette (folk fusion). The 27th will be the Haines Sisters playing classical & folk music (me on cello & my sister, Tish, playing violin). Food specials include a dozen wings for $4.25, plus great steak dinners at $9.95.

The silent film project is going really well! Tom & I (sometimes with Kirk Reese, pianist & my brother-in-law), perform our original musical score live, while viewing the film with the audience. You can see more about that on our website, along with a video explanation.

Each month, we have been showing a different film on our local Cable tv channel, LCTV 66. This month is Oliver Twist, followed closely (sometime in July!) with our recorded score to Buster Keaton's "College."A big thank-you goes out to our friends at LCTV & those of you who are viewing it!

Two films this week:

6/10/12 -- "College" -- a Buster Keaton belly-laugher -- is showing at the Goggleworks in Reading, PA this Sunday, June 10th, at 12:30 pm. $6 admission.

6/16/12 -- "The General" -- Buster Keaton's comedy masterpiece using trains -- is showing June 16th at 10 am at the Ware Center in Lancaster, PA as part of the "Ware Center Jazz Festival 2012".  You can see more info here:

Tom & I are going to take our silent film project out west this fall; stay tuned for locations. So far we are booked in and around Kansas City, KS & the Mohavi Desert in Arizona, & LA in September.

Our gardening projects fill in any spare time we might have...

We hope you have a great summer!
