Saturday, December 22, 2012

... so the World did not end ... now what??

I have friends & family that waited to buy Christmas gifts just in case the Mayan Calendar ending coincided with the actual end of the world as we know it... do you know people like that? I wonder what they will do now

We have made lots of plans for the New Year -- now the days will be getting longer again, it's time to start bringing forth new ideas & projects!  

First is our new CD -- "Comin' Home Baby" inspired by music of the Herbie Mann.  Created by TRP (The Reese Project), which is Tom Reese (flute, alto flute, pennywhistle), Kirk Reese (piano & keyboards), Laurie Haines Reese (cello & electric cello) & Glenn Ferracone (drums & percussion).  Whew!  It's a kicker!  The music covers a wide range of  styles from hip hop to blues to a ballad to a soulful hymn.  We can't wait for you to start hearing it -- but it's too soon!  We just recorded this week, now we have to mix (in January), then get the copies, etc.  Whew!  A new CD is indeed a great long-term project!  

This will be our first release on VectorDics Records -- they have been so helpful already!  It feels like home because so many of our friends & fellow artists are with this label.  

We will also be creating lots of new silent film scores this year.  The list is growing & growing, thanks to our friends at LCTV Channel 66 who faithfully air them on Comcast Cable TV!  And thanks to our live performance locations, which is growing also.  The Goggleworks continues to be our mainstay, with performances on the 2nd Sunday of each month.  We will continue to play at the Allen Theater, Laserdome, Bube's Brewery, Ned Smith Center, The Village at Sprenkle Drive -- plus the Suffolk Theater in NYC 3/28/13 with special guest Kirk Reese (piano). Dates are on our website calendar:  New locations include the Church of the Apostles & the newly re-opened Zoetropolis.  

 We hope you have a great year!  We hope to see you out at a show soon, too, so we can say Happy New Year in person!  

Love & laughter, 
Laurie Reese, Cellist