Friday, January 31, 2014

new CD -- "Comin' Home Baby" The Reese Project

CD Comin' Home Baby by The Reese Project
New 2014 CD, The Reese Project's "Comin' Home Baby," available now!  through VectorDisc Records at (a cool site for music!). 

This is a bunch of funky music.  The music is based on Herbie Mann hits, except for a beautiful Irish hymn called "Be Thou My Vision".

Flutes, cello, piano and drums.  "Comin' Home Baby" is being spun on many jazz radio stations throughout the country right now.  Please help us by requesting songs the new Reese Project's "Comin' Home Baby" CD from your local jazz radio station.  
You can now license our music through Triple Scoop Music.  Here's one of the pages our music is featured on.  They let you hear full versions of the songs, too!

My favorite for today is "Minstrel Boy".  What's yours?

In the Belly of the Blues

check out tune #14 in our playlist!  A fun, cool blues -- "In the Belly of the Blues"

Add your comments to let us know your opinion of it!